Since we have personally received the gift of love through adoption, we desire to help other families as they commit to their own adoption journey. We know how time consuming and expensive the process can be. With Raleigh’s background in architecture and design and my background in writing and photography, we would love to work with you to design a profile book that highlights your family’s story. We want to provide your with a profile book that best represents you and does put further financial strain on you. Adoption profile books are an adoptive family’s first impression that they give the birth parents and it is a book that features pictures and written content about your family. Together, we look forward to helping your family on the creation of your profile book.
Thank you for this opportunity to present our services to you as you journey through adoption. We hope that we can assist you not only through the creation of your profile book but also as a prayer partner and friend as you go through the different stages of bringing your baby home.
Christen + Raleigh
How It Works
Step by step
Step One: Content
Once you submit payment, we will set up a Google Docs folder with you to begin gathering your pictures and content for the “What to Say” message guide.
Step Two: Design
After you share with us your content and pictures, we will provide a first-round draft of your profile book within 10-14 business days.
Step Three: Final Edits
You will have time to make edits and confirm details with your agency/consultant before you send us back the edits to complete. Up to three rounds of edits are included in the price.
Step Four: Print
Once the final product is signed off on, it will take around 10-14 business days to receive your printed copies. We will send your digital PDF file at the time of print.

What you will receive
Design of a 16-22 page profile book (depending on agency requirements).
A "What to Say" message guide that will help you write content about yourself for the profile book. Certain pages will need more word counts than others so this guide will help you narrow down what you'd like to say to fit the appropriate page.
Editing of profile book content.
Up to three rounds of editing the design of the profile book.
A PDF digital copy of your profile book (printed books are purchased separately through ourPrinting Servicespage).

Design Services - Custom Adoption Profile Book
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Request a Sample
If you would like to request a sample of one our full profile books and learn more about our design process, let’s set up a time to chat! Click on the Contact page.